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Privacy Policy

Our stance on privacy

We strongly believe that your data is yours. Because of this, we do not collect any identifiable information about our users, only tracking the bare minimum needed to hunt down bugs and crashes.

What information does Spamooroo collect?

Spamooroo collects anonymized metadata using Apple’s built in metrics system. This system sends data such as session length, crash reports, device type, and locale. Spamooroo never collects any personal information, including any data you enter within the app. ‍ More information about what data Apple collects on behalf of developers can be found on App Store & Privacy official page.

What does Spamooroo do with my data?

Anonymized crash reports and device info are used to fix crashes within the app. Your anonymized device data may also be used to prioritize support for translating to certain locales. Total download count and other summed up metrics may be used for marketing purposes. Your data is never sold or shared with third parties.

How can I opt out of anonymized data collection?

You can disable Apple’s analytic reports by going to your device settings: Settings > Privacy > Analytics & Improvements > Share With App Developers “OFF”

Changes to this policy

Changes to this privacy policy may periodically be made and posted here. We suggest you visit this page for updates.

Policy updated on 03/18/2023

© 2023 Aleksandr Gubanov, All rights reserved.